Help restore the lives of previously incarcerated men and women by becoming a founding donor of HomeBridge
HomeBridge Ventures breaks the cycle of recidivism by providing comprehensive, holistic healing, job training and placement, and community to formerly incarcerated residents.
We keep people out of prison and in employment.
Trauma informed care to provide the healing needed to stay in employment and out of prison.
Employment in one of HomeBridge’s social enterprises or with one of our partner second chance employers to learn job skills and earn a paycheck from day one.
Training and placement for higher-skilled jobs or starting a business. A safe, supportive community that believes in their success. Preparation for a self-sufficient launch after 18 months
Who WE Are
We have received initial funding to help start HomeBridge. For our first engagement, we are partnering with a second chance employer to support a workforce of 20, reducing turnover and minimizing the chance of recidivism by the employee.
Our goal is to raise an additional $150,000. The funds will enable us to hire key staff, build out our program of wrap-around services, establish programs with other second chance employers and agencies to support an additional 50-75 people by the end of 2022, and prepare to launch our social enterprises.
Please consider making a generous, tax-deductible gift to stand with those at the margins who are looking to reimagine a new life.
If you prefer to donate by check, please make the check payable to HomeBridge Ventures. Put “HomeBridge Ventures” in the memo line of the check.
Mail the check to:
HomeBridge Ventures
330 Brewster Street
Bridgeport, CT 06605
HomeBridge Ventures is a 501(c)(3) public charity.