National news about reentry & restorative justice
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Covid-19 Has Made Reentry and Life After Prison Even Harder
Nearly every corner of American society has changed to adapt to Covid-19. Workplaces moved to videoconferencing, stores to curbside pickup, and all levels of government rushed to shore up the social safety net. Despite that, many are still struggling with unemployment and poverty. It’s often hardest for people with a criminal record — especially those who have recently been released from prison — who are all too often an afterthought or seen as social exiles unworthy of help.
'I'm a better person': New Haven reentry program helps start new lives after prison
NEW HAVEN — For years, ex-offenders being released from prison would be dropped off on Whalley Avenue, in front of the police station or on the Green in prison sweats with a clear plastic bag holding their belongings — and no support.
5 New Policy Ideas for Fixing Life After Prison
With startling speed, Americans on both sides of the political aisle have rallied around the idea of clearing out prisons, reducing at least some of the 2.3 million people spending chunks of their lives behind bars. But after release, then what? People leaving prison face huge obstacles in rebuilding their lives. Well over half are still unemployed one year after getting out.