

A job is one of many needs on the road to self-sufficiency. Experience in Bridgeport and elsewhere across the country has shown that without wrap around services to address non-employment related issues, turnover in the workplace is high resulting to a return to activities that lead to reincarceration.

Each participant entering the HomeBridge program will have a trauma informed coach to build an individualized, holistic program to put them on the road to self-sufficiency. In addition to employment, services that will be available include:

  • Financial literacy, personal technology training and other basic skills needed to be self-sufficient

  • Legal assistance to get identification, drivers license, expungement, family custody, court costs, parole, or other issues

  • Mental health, parenting, substance abuse assistance from agencies that have specific training in those areas.

  • Help with housing, transportation, food, medical needs, and other basic needs that are challenges for those in reentry as they seek independence.

The wrap around services will be provided by existing agencies in the city or in house. The unique benefit of HomeBridge is that the participant will be able to work on themselves through the programs, while gaining skills and earning a paycheck in one of our social enterprises or with a partner second chance employer.